Scroll Down Scroll Down Camera Harness Discover our Collection of Camera Straps DISCOVER COLLECTION SHOP NOW The Story Our stylish and high quality camera harness will be the perfect companion for any photographer. Suitable for indoor and outdoor photography for weddings, home, sports and any other event.
Hitcher Pro Discover our Leather Dual Camera Harness DISCOVER COLLECTION SHOP NOW The Story This camera straps allows the photographer to easily use multiple cameras that can be accessed at any time.
Hitcher Solo Discover our Single Camera Sling Strap DISCOVER COLLECTION SHOP NOW The Story Instantly move your camera from your belt to your eye, and the locking strap keeps the unloader from rotating around your shoulder, keeping you comfortable.
Hitcher One Discover out Shoulder Harness for One Camera DISCOVER COLLECTION SHOP NOW The Story This strap gives the photographer easy and quick access to the camera. Instantly move your camera from your belt to your eye.